Tuesday, April 14, 2015

One Thing

We all know that it can be overwhelming to take on a life transforming journey of wellness. Even now, I still feel intimidated by all the changes I still need to make.

This is why I choose to focus on the One Thing mantra:

What is ONE THING that I can do today to make myself life a happier, more balanced life?

The nice thing about the "One Thing" mantra is you can change the  "one thing" every day. So, depending on your needs for that day, the one thing can be health, wellness, leisure, etc.

My one thing is always something additional to my every day habits (or taking something out, if I am choosing to eliminate something from my life for a day). So if I already work out daily, I don't tend to choose my work out as my one thing...unless I woke up in the morning and REALLY didn't want to do it. I try to find new and creative ways to energize my sense of self and of self worth.

Sometimes, my one thing is a nap. Sometimes, my one thing is more water. Sometimes, my one thing is an extra serving of desert or a glass of wine.

For the most part, my one thing usually has to do with my mental health, because that's the area that I need the most support with right now. But it really can be anything. Heck, sometimes I choose cleaning my bedroom because I hate that it has gotten messy and I want to feel good about it when I go to sleep!

I know you think that you'll always choose "unhealthy" but "short term feel good things". And you know what? You might at first. And that's ok. This is about empowerment, and feeling control over your body, your choices and your life.

Once you feel that sense of control, inspiration to make better choices often follows. But for now, choose one thing that is about you, your your happiness, and your life.

Do it now. Do it daily.

Do it until you never have to think about it again, because choosing happiness and health has become ingrained in you!

You deserve at least one thing that makes you happier. Once you believe that, your journey is already under way...

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